如果,每天都得面對 ... 而且從不歇息

如果,你不覺得無趣 ... 那我就不是人

Hi Gunter,

Sorry to bother you. But, could you please help me to confirm something?

First, If we re-open and update something in the order, when we re-release the order again, there will be a ‘Position Numbering’ window prompting out.

We’ve been told that we should click the ‘Abbrechen’(Cancel, I guess) except the creation of a new order. But, what does it really mean if we click OK or Abbrechen? What will be the real effects to the documents or records in Navision?
My colleague confronted some problems with that when she opened and revised a line (or more) in an order then released it again by that way (click Abbrechen). But, she found that the number of that line had been moved and lined up to the last position instead of its original status. Would that be still OK for all the IC relationship? I am wondering, WHEN should we choose the OK, and WHEN should be the Abbrechen?

Second, We knew that if we create or update a sales order in DSI, we have to make a IC Transfer in DTW to synchronize the changes. But, except those ordinary procedures, WHEN should we make a IC Transfer in DSI and/or DTW? Are there any rules or principles?
In these days, we had figured out and done many revises for the orders under the requests of our customers. That included deleting the reserved quantities from the item card for the sales line, and reserving those quantities again from the purchase order for relative sales lines … etc. We found that we had to make the IC Transfer in DSI after we changed the reserving relationship, otherwise the changes in DTW won’t be acknowledged in DSI.

I do like to understand the general principles in executing the IC Transfer in both the DTW and DSI. Would it be any harm to us in doing the IC Transfer at any time?

I know it probably would take lots of time for you to answer these questions. But I still have to ask you for definite answer. Am I right? Thanks in advance!

Have a nice weekend!!

Best Regards,


Hi Gary,

thanks for your explanation.

"Normaly", this is a good idea. But only, if you work with one company without IC Function.

In your situation, this workaround doesnt’t will be a good way, because now we have different Sales Lines, and they didn’t fit ! These makes more problems, than it solved.

For these point, i think it’s better to use the Set-Function. Then you have one Item (the item, which the sub’s ordered), and "behind" this item, you can enter the BOM. The Sales Line in DSI and DTW are the same, everything is ok.

For the purchaser, it’s important, that they see "only" the Set-Components. This means, they don’t by the Main Item, they buy the set-components.

@Anja, can you please send Gary an explanation, how to setup the Setcomponents ?

And Gary, please, if you try such new function, please use at the first time the Test-System ! There you can do what you want, without any effect to the live - System.

best regards

Gunter Hofflin

KUMAvision AG


Hi All,

Apologize if I had done something wrong or made any trouble. I just fondly imagined that we could do something through our Navision.

The situation is that we have to provide a self-assembly ODM item with three components to our SUB-DGCA. After I survey the functions in our Navision, I found that there is a 'Explode BOM' option in the Function menu of Sales Order, and the 'Assembly List / Bill of Materials' option in the Item menu of Item Card. The story go on these way :

1.) I create two vendors which provide these three components and a vendor of our own which will be the provider of the ODM item.

2.) I create three spare part items for these three components and an item card for the ODM item which includes those three spare part items in its 'Bill of Materials'.

3.) Sales made a sales order of ODM item in DSI, then IC transfer to DTW.
(Before we excuted the 'Explode BOM' funtion, the sales lines in DTW was same as DSI.)

4.) Purchaser excuted 'Explode BOM' function in sales order of DTW (then it became what we've seen now), then made their Purchase Order from the exploded lines to the vendors.

That's what we've got and proceeded in Navision now. They were suspended for the reason that we could not have any relative information in the 'IC Inventory Composition' of Line menu on Sales Order of DSI.

Did we miss something? Or maybe, we were totally wrong with that? Can we have any solution to match this request? Thanks in advance!

Best Regards,


HI GARY; again fort his issue:

it is very important that you take care of these orders Gunter told you

Please check following orders:

DSI : ..........
DTW: ...........

There are total different Sales Lines !!


Mit freundlichen Grusen / Best regards

Anja Hinz
Operations Management
D. GmbH & Co.


Both problems now fixed.

But, IC Transfer !!!

Gary, please inform your collegues. I found some Sales Orders in DTW, and these sales orders are totally different to DSI !!!!

I belive, that your collegues make manually changes in DTW (deleting lines, change Items, .....)

Please, this is very important ! If you have changes in an Sales Order, do the changes only in DSI, then start the IC Transfer !!!!!

(You can change prices or "Qty. to ship" or "Qty. to invoice" in DTW, but nothing else):

Please check following orders:

DSI : ..........
DTW: ...........

There are total different Sales Lines !!

best regards

Gunter Hofflin

KUMAvision AG


Hi Gary,

regarding the shipping problem, Gunther gave me a phone call, but he is in a meeting and has no internet, so he couldn't take a look. He will do tomorrow.
BUT, there's something strange with this order. The order is correctly transferred from DSI to DTW, but in DTW was a break. Do you or your colleagues have any idea what happened with this order in DTW?

regarding the Cost and Price mail, there is maybe a little error in programming. Gunter will have a look on tomorrow.
But, don't forget, when we get his feedback or correction, you have to update this item in your purchase and sales orders, otherwise they will be shipped and purchased with wrong prices, ok?

we will keep you informed tomorrow

Mit freundlichen Grusen / Best regards

Anja Hinz
Operations Management
D. GmbH & Co. KG


Hi All,

It comes again ( SODSI80-250211 ). We need help!
My colleague Lisa has to ship out something today in this order, but stuck with the old problem.
Everything seems alright with shipment in DTW, but sales order in DSI did not receive those quantities to ship. (But, this time, the IC transfer update on intercompany tag is not ticked.) Lisa cannot key in those shipping quantities manually either.

Attached image for your reference. Help us.

Thanks & Best Regards,


HI Gary,

i checked this Order in DSI and DTW.

In DSI i see, that there was an Change in the Sales Order, and the IC Transfer for this order is not running yet. (You see it on the TAB Intercompany, Field: IC Order Update = Yes) (Embedded image moved to file: pic08942.jpg)

I suppose, that there was an change in DSI, and then there was the posting in DTW.

Can you please inform your collegues, if they made changes in DSI, that they have to start the IC - Transfer. This is very important ! If there is an Error during the Transfer, please correct before you proceed on.

The Sales Order in DSI is now ready to post, i have "corrected" this order, and then you can post it.

Best regards

Gunter Hofflin


kannst du helfen bitte?

ich komme nicht dahinter

Mit freundlichen Grusen / Best regards

Anja Hinz


Hi Anja,

There's a strange thing which had happened before. Now it comes again in sales order of DSI / ......-250027 when we want to post the shipment.

An error message (attached image for your reference) prompted out and terminated the operation.

(Embedded image moved to file: pic19264.jpg)sale order for ......-250027.bmp

Cindy found that there's the same item/ ...... which had blocked the shipment in DSI before. But, it's ok to ship in DTW ( ......-230519 for this case ).

Though this item seemed all right in the item card, it was created manually by me at the beginning of our Live Navision. So, could you please help us to solve this problem. It's better if we could know what's wrong with that item, and how to adjust or avoid that situation.

Thanks & Best Regards,



Hi Anja,

There is a strange thing when I calculated the sales price through the price worksheet in DTW after I had added a new item with NTD purchase cost yesterday.

(Embedded image moved to file: pic06334.jpg)Purchase Price in NTD.JPG

The currency code on foreign trade tag in vendor card of this provider (Synnex Technology) is set to be 'NTD'. But the result of price calculation was not we expected. The USD prices seem to be NTD cost multiplied but not divided by exchange rate.

(Embedded image moved to file: pic26500.jpg)Sales Price in USD.JPG

Though it is rare for us to cost in NTD, it still has to be ok for that. Could you please have a look at that.

Thanks & Best Regards,


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